At École Sperling School, it is our aim to provide a supportive and caring educational environment that encourages each student to work to the best of their ability in all goal areas. Active and open communication is maintained in the school community to foster positive and continuing growth. We strive to provide an environment that accepts individual differences and respect the rights and responsibilities of self and others.
- I have a RIGHT to be treated with dignity and respect.
- It is my RESPONSIBILITY to be respectful and considerate of other people and their feelings, and to treat others in a kind and considerate way.
- I have a RIGHT to learn an in orderly school.
- It is my RESPONSIBILITY to be on time, prepared with my homework and equipment ready, and to listen and work cooperatively.
- I have a RIGHT to live and learn in a school free of litter and vandalism.
- It is my RESPONSIBILITY to take care of the property of others including school property.
- I have a RIGHT to live and learn in a safe and secure school, free of violence, weapons, threats, harassment, obscene language, intimidation, and racial or prejudicial behaviour.
- It is my RESPONSIBILITY to follow school rules and contribute to the safety and well-being of the school community.
A safe and orderly school is a priority for students, staff and parents of École Sperling School. Infractions of this code of conduct may result in one or more of a full range of consequences, up to and including suspension.